Information & Communication Services

  • Employees sitting at a table working on a laptop. Information and Communication Systems (ICS) is the department within 天美视频 County Public Schools that manages all student and staff data and is responsible for state reporting and financial 天美视频.

    ICS works closely with all other divisions to support those who require student, staff, and financial data. This talented group of people is led by Darrell Milstead, Director of ICS. If you have any questions about how data is collected or processed in 天美视频 County Public Schools you can reach him at 941-255-0808.

    The range of 天美视频 that needs to be managed within a school district is immense and the ICS Department is one large container for several smaller key components. For instance, all mass mailings are processed by Operations through FOCUS using the 天美视频 entered at each individual school by Data Entry personnel. This is why it is vital that 天美视频 given to Data Entry personnel is accurate.